Music Coaching & Lessons
with Laura Hutchins
Piano lessons
Singing Lessons
Theory & Aural
Creative coaching
& Career Consulting
Laura Ellen (Hutchins) is a vocalist, professional performer and songwriter with a Bachelor Degree in Music (Contemporary Performance) from The Australian Institute of Music, Associate Degree in Performance from The Conservatorium of Music (TAS). She is passionate about developing her skills as a musician and paying that forward to the next generation of songwriters and musicians. Alongside her pursuits as an artist she has a built a thriving music coaching business that has been operating in Melbourne's Bayside area for 8 years.
Laura provides one-on-one songwriting tutoring, classical and contemporary piano lessons for age 5+ , contemporary vocal lessons for age 8+ as well as theory and aural tutoring for all ages. Laura also provides consulting on career development for songwriters at the beginning-intermediate stages of their career.
Laura has been classically trained in piano since she was 5 years old, and at the age of 12 also began to incorporate a more contemporary approach to her playing, focusing around accompaniment, chord progressions & structure, jazz theory and aural skills. At the age of 15 she began vocal training, and then went on to major in contemporary singing at University.
Laura has explored many styles and teaching methods and will always continue to develop myself as a teacher and musician. She believe her personal experience in music has lead to her philosophy on how she teaches - no student should be shown how to do something, rather they should be given all of the tools they need to be able to construct the 'how' for themselves. This helps them develop initiative, responsibility and independence as a musician and also develops their confidence in their own musical abilities.
Students are required to pay per month. The fee per month is fixed and is calculated from the total amount of lessons provided per year and divided by the amount of months in the year that are invoiced for (11). Some months may have 2, 3, 4 or 5 lessons but it is balanced out over the year. Any lessons that fall on public holidays are made up at an alternative time. Payment is required by 1st of the month or will incur late fees.
Suited for: school students and adults who want consistency and
stability in lessons with ease of payments.
Receive $5 discount per lesson from the standard lesson rate
Weekly slot held for you every week
Same amount every month keeps payments easy and your life admin down
Can organise makeup lessons within the term and holidays for lessons canceled
with 24 hrs notice.
No credits or makeup lessons are carried over to the following term.
24 hr cancellation policy.
FEES: Monthly fixed rate (excl. Jan):
30 minutes weekly: $200 ($55 per lesson)
45 minutes weekly: $254.55 ($70 per lesson)
60 minutes weekly: $309.10 ($85 per lesson)
Monthly payments for fortnightly lessons are:
30 minutes: $100
45 minutes: $127.25
60 minutes: $154.55
Standard Lesson Rate: Pay Per Lesson On Direct Debit Or In Packages of 4
Suited for: People who want regular lessons but cannot always
commit to weekly or would struggle with times for makeup lessons
Choose what dates/lessons you want to commit to
This does not guarantee a weekly time is held for you. If someone pays the
subscription option they would take priority over times.
Packages must be scheduled within that term. Just like subscription lessons
there is a 24 hr cancellation policy or your lesson is forfeited. Packages and
credits must be used within that term.
30 min - $60
45 min - $75
60 min - $90
Suited for: People who require extreme flexibility with lessons, on-
call workers, people in the entertainment or music industry or careers
that may require last minute changes to schedules.
• 5 hr cancellation policy. No requirement to pay if 5 hrs or more of notice is
given. Cancel in under 5 hrs of your lesson and rather than forfeiting the
whole lesson you only forfeit 50% of your lesson (other 50% required to be
• Charged per lesson
No credits or makeups carried over to the following term unless under special
No 30 minute casual lessons
45 minutes: $80
60 minutes: $95